
8 Dresses in 8 Days and a Special Christmas Preview

When my oldest daughter was in Pre-K, she went through a phase of only wanting to wear dresses. She received a boatload of dresses for her birthday that Spring but she didn’t want to wear any of them… she only wanted to wear the woven cotton, ‘spinning’ dresses, as my little sister used to call them when she was young. As the summer was waning I started to worry about the clothing battles that would surely be on the horizon as she only had 2 dresses that were acceptable to her.

Little more than a week before school started, I found myself in the fabric store with a cart loaded full of carefully coordinated fabric sets. Once home, I drew up some pattern ideas and went to work sewing 8 different dresses for my very particular little girl. Eight unique dresses in 8 days, it was a whirlwind, but she was in love and we didn’t have any morning clothing battles because there was always a dress on hand.

My favorites (and the most often worn) by far are the sleeveless dresses, they are truly all season dresses and can be worn any time of year. Pair them with cotton tights and a cardigan or (our preferred) a coordinating, plain, long sleeve shirt and they are no problem for our Pennsylvania winters.

Six years later and these dresses are being worn by third daughter and, minus the paint stains, they are still going strong! I don’t have much need these days for sewing up boutique dresses in fun and beautiful fabrics, but it doesn’t mean I don’t WANT to… the downside of hand-me-downs, I guess… So I’ve decided to start something new in my Etsy shop. Once or twice a month, I’m going to start offering one of a kind, boutique dresses. I debated how to set up my offerings because I don’t enjoy sewing multiples of the same thing over and over, truly one of a kind dresses are much more fun to sew.

Before my listing goes live, I will post here with a fabric preview and maybe some sketches to get some feedback on what you all want to see. Once the dress is ready, you all will be the first to know when the listing is up! Just be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss the announcements.

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With the winter holidays just around the corner, I figured Christmas dresses would make a good debut! What are your thoughts on these fabric collections? Traditional plaid with some over-sized ric-rak (that’s the wavy ‘ribbon’) and festive stripes… or bright and cheery, Christmas Pink? I have some ideas in mind for the plaid but haven’t had the time to sketch anything up with Thanksgiving closing in. There are lots of options with the Christmas Pink collection. Comment below to let me know what you think of these fabric collections and feel free to note the sizes you’d like to see in future feature dresses.