
Weekly Family Schedule Printable

I’m not big into New Year’s resolutions, but I am looking to 2020 as a year of change. My goal is to facilitate change for the better and with that, after almost 9 years staying home with my kids, I am returning to my former career in environmental consulting. One week into the year and new job and I’m scrambling to put my old “Weekly Family Schedule” back into action! I created it as a stay at home mom to balance the load of house work, meal planning, and children’s activities. As an undiagnosed ADHD mama, it was so helpful to have a plan in front of me to keep me on track. There were many days wasted because I had trouble getting started on a task, especially if that task was not very interesting. I’m easily sidetracked by ‘fun’ projects that really shouldn’t be prioritized and it just helps me a lot to have a plan posted of what exactly I need to accomplish each day.

Now that I’m working again, it is even more essential that the household tasks, kids activities, and meals be organized and posted. I need to make sure dinner is planned before I leave for work in case any meat needs to be thawed. My husband gets the kids off to school in the morning so he needs to be aware if there are special clothing days or field trip requirements. And maybe the most crucial is that laundry days be scheduled since I can’t just do a load at my leisure throughout the day anymore!

There are a few ways you can use this Weekly Schedule printable. Print one each week and write in your meals for each day and any inconsistent tasks like variable after school rehearsals or club meetings, appointments, etc. OR, you can laminate this as I did and use a thin-tipped dry erase marker to write in the things that will change week to week, then just wipe off at the end of the week and start again! **I obviously need to replace my big chisel tip dry erase marker with a fine tip**

This free printable is a non-editable PDF, but if you’d like it in a Microsoft Excel format so that you can type in your schedule as I have done, you can hop over to my Etsy shop and download the spreadsheet for just $2. It is the first in a collection of organizational documents that I am updating to help keep your family and household running smoothly. It sure helps mine!

Download the free Family Weekly Schedule printable HERE!